Illustrations and rhyming text present some of the different ways dinosaurs can express their love, from cleaning up after making a mess to smiling sweetly instead of roaring.
Discuss how to control anger just as the dinosaurs do. When the dinosaurs are calm again, they clean up any mess, they say I'm sorry and they give big hugs too.
At first, the dinosaurs try to bring home all manner of wild beasts, but in the end, they learn to bring home an appropriate animal from a shelter or pet store and to love and care for it with attention.
Told in rhyming text young dinosaurs learn to read, but only after many mishaps, like chewing their books and throwing them at the cat--but eventually they learn to respect their books, and treat them properly.
It is not always easy for a dinosaur to learn how to be kind, but with a liitle practice, and keeping other people firmly in mind, he can become a one-of-a-kind, very kind dinosaur.